25th County of London Cyclist Battalion
The London Regiment

Frederick W. EDMONDS

In Memory of

Serjeant F W EDMONDS

740089, 25th Bn., London Regiment (Cyclists) attd. 49th, Mule Corps

who died on 09 June 1919 (Buried Doaba Mil. Grave (Kohat).

Remembered with honour Delhi Memorial (India Gate) Face 23.

Commemorated in perpetuity by
the Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Of the servicemen commemorated by name on the memorial, just over 1,000 lie in cemeteries to the west of the River Indus, where maintenance was not possible. The remainder died in fighting on or beyond the North West Frontier and during the Third Afghan War, and have no known grave. The Delhi Memorial (India Gate) stands at the eastern end of the Rajpath, or Kingsway.
[Courtesy of Commonwealth War Graves Commission]

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